
If you are a migrant in Italy and intend to start or continue your studies at a higher education institution, you are entitled to a study permit called Permesso di Soggiorno per Motivi di Studio.

In this article you can learn more about:

If you are abroad and you need information on Italian universities and how to pre-enroll to get your student visa at the Italian Consulate, you can visit Universitaly portal here.

Who is eligible?

You can get a study permit if you:

  • Come to Italy with a study visa and attend university courses or training lasting more than 3 months
  • Turn 18 and hold a permesso per minore età or per affidamento, and you enroll in a university or training course
  • Hold family permit or casi speciali permit and you enroll in a university or training course, and want to convert your permit
  • Hold study permit or EU long-term permit from another EU country and you enroll in a university or training course in Italy.

How to apply?

If you have arrived in Italy through a study visa, you must apply for the plastic study permit within 8 days from your arrival.

To apply for the study permit, you have to request an appointment with the competent Questura (Immigration office) by sending a postal kit through an authorized post office. You will need:

  • Form 1 of Modello 209, duly completed
  • Photocopy of the entire passport or other equivalent document
  • Photocopy of the certification attesting the study course you will attend
  • Rental contract or declaration of hospitality
  • Stamp duty of 16.00 euros (‘marca da bollo’ in Italian)
  • Photocopy of the insurance policy against the risk of illness and accident, valid in Italy for the whole duration of the permit of stay, or of the voluntary registration with the Italian Healthcare System (if you got a student visa only).

Questura will summon you to take your fingerprints (bring Poste receipt and your passport at this appointment) and later to release your plastic permit. You can check online the status of your permit and usually Questura sends a message when it is ready for collection.


How long is it valid for?

Usually, the study permit has a duration equal to that of the course you will attend, but it cannot exceed one year. Therefore, in case of enrollment in a multi-year course like a university degree, it will last one year and you will have to renew it.

Can I renew it? 

The study permit can only be renewed if you are attending a multi-year course of study. To renew the permit, you must have passed at least 1 exam in the first year, two exams later and it is not possible beyond the third year out of course.

To apply for the renewal of your study permit, you have to request an appointment with the competent Questura (Immigration office) by sending a postal kit through an authorized post office. You need to do it by the date of expiry of your permit and, in special cases, up to 60 days after the expiry. You will need:

  • Form 1 of Form 209 (postal kit), duly completed
  • Form 2 of Form 209 (postal kit), only if you also work
  • Photocopy of your entire passport or equivalent document
  • Photocopy of your expiring study permit
  • Proof of availability of adequate financial resources. The working student can prove the income by filling out Form 2
  • Photocopy of the insurance policy against the risk of illness and accident, valid in Italy for all the duration of the permit of stay, or voluntary registration with the Italian Healthcare System
  • Proof that you have passed at least one exam for the first year or two exams for the following years
  • Proof of accommodation or declaration of hospitality
  • Stamp duty (‘marca da bollo’ in Italian) of 16.00 euros.

Can I convert it into another permit?


It is possible to convert a study permit into a work permit, if you meet the requirements, at any time. In the case of:

  • Permesso per Motivi di Lavoro Subordinato, you need to have a work contract
  • Permesso per Motivi di Lavoro Autonomo, you need to present the documentation relating to the activity that will carry out and the financial availability necessary to carry it out.

You will have to apply for the conversion of your study permit into a work permit through the portal of Sportello Unico Immigrazione here.

If you just obtained your university degree in Italy but have not a job yet, you could request a Permesso per Attesa Occupazione, a permit for people who are looking for a job. To apply, you must register on the employment lists of an employment center (Centro per l’Impiego) and get the DID – a declaration stating you are ready to be employed. Permesso per attesa occupazione is valid for 1 year and cannot be renewed.

Learn more about: WORK PERMITS

What rights do I have as a holder of a study permit?

If you hold a study permit, you have the right to:

Note: with a student permit you don't have the right to enroll for free with the healthcare system; you have to pay for it through the ‘iscrizione volontaria’ with the Italian Healthcare System.

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