If the personal details on your permesso di soggiorno are incorrect, you can use this article to learn how to change them, including:
- How the process differs before and after getting a decision
- Which types of information you can correct
- When and how to change it
When you fill out the C3 form, make sure to write your personal information correctly. This is important because the questura will print this information on your permesso di soggiorno, as well as documents like your codice fiscale, tessera sanitaria and your carta di identità, if you have one.
If the details on your permesso di soggiorno and your carta di identità or passport are slightly different, the authorities at the airport or at checkpoints on the border will not let you travel.
Once you receive your permesso di soggiorno, make sure that your personal information is 100 percent accurate. Requesting changes to your personal information becomes more difficult after you receive a decision on your asylum application. This means the sooner you make a request, the better.
Changing your details as an asylum-seeker (6-month permesso)
It’s always good to double check the personal details on your permesso before your commission interview.
You will need to truthfully explain to the Commission or judge why you need to change your personal information. If you cannot provide reasons for your request, the Commission or judge may question your credibility and this could negatively affect your asylum results.
Declaring false details, such as stating that you’re a different nationality or age than the truth, is a crime and can also undermine your asylum request — especially if you declare yourself to be under 18 when you are over 18.
Which details can I change?
While you’re still waiting for a decision on your asylum application, you can ask to change the following details, if they’re mistakenly reported on your permesso and if you’re able to provide credible reasons that the changes should be made:
- Spelling mistakes
- Incorrect order of name and surname
- Indication of only one part of name, among many
- Place of birth, depending on the case (for example, if your permesso lists the suburb where you were born, but your national passport lists the larger city near your suburb)
- Date of birth, depending on the case
Asking to change these details usually won't have any negative consequences for your asylum request.
When can I request a correction?
Your interview is your best opportunity to tell the Commission if your details are incorrect. The Commission usually asks whether the details on your 6-month permesso are correct at the beginning of your interview, but if they don't you can tell them anyway.
The Commission will note your request down and then report it to the questura, which is responsible for correcting the details on your permesso.
In some specific cases, you may be able to request a correction at the tribunale while appealing your first negative decision. You can do this if the Commission misspelled your name in the report, for example. It’s a good idea to speak to your lawyer about this.
What if I have dual nationality?
If you have dual nationality, you will need to declare it when filling out your C3 form and during your interview. The Commission will ask if you have another nationality during the interview. Holding back this information is considered a crime and may result in the Commission questioning your credibility, which can undermine your asylum request.
Changing your details after receiving a decision
You may only realize the information on your permesso di soggiorno is wrong when you get your passport back from the questura. In this case, it‘s still possible to correct your personal details, but only if the details on your permesso di soggiorno do not match with those on your national passport.
You will need to:
- Get in contact with the embassy or consulate of your home country in Italy, and ask for a certificate that confirms your identity and correct personal details. If you have refugee status, you cannot get in contact with the embassy of your country without risking your status in Italy.
- Legalize this certificate at the prefettura of the province where you’re staying. Check with your prefettura on whether you need to make an appointment.
- Apply to make an update (“aggiornamento” in Italian) to the personal information on your permit by filling out a document or kit like this and presenting it to the post office.
How much will it cost?
When you present these documents at the post office, you will need to pay:
- €30 for the kit
- €30.46 for the new electronic permit
- €16 for the marca da bollo (stamp)
What if I don’t have a national passport?
If you are a refugee or subsidiary protection holder, and you don’t have a passport or are not allowed to contact your embassy, you cannot follow the procedure explained above. You will need to speak with a legal expert who can help you. If you are not in contact with one already, you can send us a private message on our Facebook page.
If you hold another type of permit, and you do not have your national passport, you can contact the embassy of your home country to get one. Once you’ve got your passport, make sure to check whether the personal details on your passport match those on your Italian documents.
How long does it take?
The time it takes may vary a lot, depending on the questura and their workload.