If you expressed your will to seek international protection in Italy, you will have to complete the so-called C3 form to formalize your asylum request at the Questura or Police Border Office.
Click here for an example of a C3 form.
To fill out the C3 form, the police will ask you questions about:
- Your personal data
- Your family data
- Your journey to reach Italy
- Your reasons for fleeing your country of origin or why you do not want or cannot go back.
You can also submit documents that prove your situation (for example, reporting to the police, certificates, etc.), as well as your written story. You can submit your written story later, as long as you do it before your asylum interview.
You can request the help of an interpreter to complete the C3 form.
All the information you will share is confidential and Italian authorities are bound by confidentiality obligations and won’t tell your country’s authorities anything about your asylum claim.
After you sign this form, it goes to the Territorial Commission to be reviewed before your interview.
By law, you should receive a copy of the C3 form and copies of any other documents you submitted for your asylum application. In case the police do not give you these copies, remember to ask for them.
It is important that you state the truth from the very beginning of your asylum procedure, and that you state all the same information included on your C3 form during your asylum interview with the Territorial Commission.
Presenting information during your asylum interview that is not included in your C3 form or story, or presenting a different version of your story, will most likely have a negative effect on your application and undermine your credibility in front of the Commission.