
The welfare system in Italy offers financial assistance (bonuses or economic benefits) to individuals and families in need who meet specific requirements. Therefore, if you are a migrant or refugee holding a regular permit of stay, with insufficient economic resources or with children or with a disability, you may be eligible to receive an income support measure. The benefits you can access all have different requirements (including holding specific permits of stay) and are available at the national and local level. Bonuses can vary from region to region, and even from one municipality to another.

In general, most of the financial benefits are offered by INPS - the Italian National Institute for Social Security the main entity of the Italian public retirement system. All waged workers, and most self-employed workers without a proper autonomous social security fund, must be subscribed to INPS. The entity is under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. 

You can use this article to learn more about:

  • 10 things to know before applying
  • Reddito di cittadinanza, NASpI, invalidità civile, assegno unico universale, contributo Ucraina
  • How to apply
  • Who can help

What you need to know before applying for a bonus

Here's a list of good practices to follow if you plan to apply for any kind of bonus. Please, carefully read the list and send us a private message on Facebook if you have any doubts or questions.

  1. Always tell the truth – When you apply for a bonus it’s really important you provide truthful and verifiable information on the kind of permit you hold, your economic condition and your time in Italy when you apply for a bonus, and more in general about your personal situation. Italian authorities often do random checks on people who receive benefits and you could be in trouble with the law if you lie or make a false statement.
  2. Don’t listen to rumors – If a friend tells you that the government wants to give money to everyone, or that the authorities don't monitor who receives a bonus, it’s probably not true. Make sure you check the information on trusted and accurate sources or get in touch with relevant services available.
  3. Be careful with scams and frauds – We are aware that some people ask for money to assist migrants in obtaining bonuses. Do not trust them and ask for help from a CAF or Patronato, such as INCA CGIL or ANOLF.
  4. Always check the requirements to apply – It’s really important to carefully understand the requirements before applying for any kind of bonus. If you receive money or benefits without being entitled to them by declaring false statements, you may get the benefit revoked, you may have to pay back all the money you received, and in some cases you may even face a criminal proceeding.
  5. Take your time – Before applying, make sure you fully understand the requirements and how the benefit works. If you are eligible for the benefit, waiting a few days to fully understand everything won’t prevent you from receiving the bonus.
  6. Ask questions – Asking questions is really important to make sure you understand everything and solve any of your doubts. If you apply through a CAF or a Patronato, remember that these offices are here to help you, so don't worry about bothering them.
  7. Be aware of what you sign – If a CAF or a Patronato helps you to apply, they are not responsible for what you sign and declare in order to receive the bonus. If you don’t understand what you are signing, ask someone to translate it for you. If you are asked to sign a statement that does not reflect your personal situation, delete the parts that are false and write your true status instead. This way you can avoid making false statements.
  8. Be patient – We understand that you would like to receive the money immediately, however, the processing system can be slow.
  9. Contact Refugee.Info – If you need clarification on requirements, have heard rumors about a bonus, or need help with your application, drop us a message. We will do our best to provide you with the information that you need, including requirements and services that can provide individualized support.
  10. Talk to your lawyer – If you find out that you’re taking a bonus without having the requirements, please make sure you get in touch with your lawyer. If you don’t have a lawyer, drop us a private message on Facebook and we’ll do our best to find a legal helpdesk in your area.

What are the available bonuses

In Italy there are several bonuses and benefits that you could receive if you meet the requirements. In this section we will present some of the bonuses available at a national level, but often regions and municipalities offer other kinds of benefits.

We suggest you visit the website of your comune or contact your local CAF (Centre of Fiscal Assistance) or Patronato to check all the options available for you.

Before you apply, make sure you meet all the requirements to receive the bonus or the benefit. If a CAF or a Patronato helps you to apply, they are not responsible for what you sign and declare to get the bonus. If you are unsure if you are eligible or not, double check with them or send us a private message, we’ll do our best to help you out.

Citizenship income

Reddito di Cittadinanza is a monthly allowance for families with low income meant to help them pay for basic expenses such as food, bills, and rent.

From January,1 2023, if you are between 18 and 59 years, you can receive Reddito di Cittadinanza only for 7 months. You can receive Reddito di cittadinanza for 18 months if you have a family with minors, disabled people, or people of 60 years or older.

The amount of the bonus depends on your ISEE, a tool used to measure the economic status of families in Italy.

To be eligible for Reddito di Cittadinanza, you must:

  • Prove that you have been in Italy for 10 years and that you have been residing in Italy for the last 2 years
  • Hold an Ex Carta di soggiorno OR a refugee status OR a subsidiary protection permit
  • Have an income equal to or lower than 3000 euros gross. If the income is above 3000 euros gross, you need to declare it to INPS.
  • Participate to projects contributing to the civil society

You can learn more on the requirements here.

Please note that from 2023, you may risk losing your allowance if you do not fulfill certain actions: 

  • Participate to projects contributing to the civil society
  • If you are between 18 and 59 years, you also need to attend a professional training course for 6 months. If you fail to do so, you may lose the right to get the bonus. 
  • If you are between 18-29 years and did not complete your school education, you must enroll at school and attend classes 
  • Accept any job offer received through the Center for job-seekers ('Cpi - Centro per l'impiego' in Italian)

We know that many people have received this income without being actually eligible. If you’re getting the money without meeting the requirements and the authorities check your application, you may get the Reddito di Cittadinanza revoked, you may have to pay back all the money you have received, and in some cases you may even face a criminal proceeding.

If you are in this situation, get in touch with your lawyer as soon as possible. If you need help finding a legal expert, drop us a private message here.

Please also note that from 2024, Reddito di cittadinanza will be entirely substituted by the 'Supporto per la formazione ed il lavoro' (Professional training and work support) and 'Assegno d'inclusione' (Inclusion check). Supporto per la formazione ed il lavoro is available from September 1, 2023. 

Supporto per la formazione ed il lavoro

From September 1, 2023 there is a new bonus for people between 18 and 59 years who do not have families with vulnerable individuals (minors, disabled people or family members of 60 years or older), and have family ISEE lower than 6000 euros gross per year. 

The Supporto per la formazione ed il lavoro is a monthly allowance for families with low income. The allowance is up to 350 euros per month that you can receive for one year only. More members of the same family can request this bonus at the same time.

Please note that you cannot receive this bonus if you are receiving Reddito di cittadinanza. 

In order to get the bonus, each person must enroll in a professional training course or job orientation path or a support programme for job-seekers - this includes also the civil service ('servizio civile' in Italian) and works that contribute to the civil society.

The first step is to make a request for the bonus on the INPS website, using your SPID or ID. In the meantime you will also need to register online on the informative system for work and social inclusion ('Siisl - Sistema Informativo per l'inclusione lavorativa e sociale' in Italian), signing a declaration of immediate availability to work ('DID - Dichiarazione di Immediata Disponibilita' al lavoro' in Italian) and a service pact ('Patto di servizio personalizzato' in Italian). INPS will verify your data and information provided, and decide if you can receive the bonus. 

Once you get confirmation that you can get the allowance, you will sign the pact for digital activation ('Pad - Patto di attivazione digitale' in Italian) and register to a center for job-seekers ('Centro per l'impiego' in Italian). 

You will need to provide INPS with information regarding your activities and/or trainings every 90 days, if you don't do it, you risk losing your allowance.

If you recently lost your job

If you had a regular work contract as an employee ('lavoratore dipendente' in Italian) and you recently lost your job, you may be eligible to apply for a monthly unemployment allowance called 'Indennità di disoccupazione NASpi'.

The amount and the duration of the monthly unemployment payment depend on your salary and how long you worked with a regular employment contract.

Everyone with a regular permesso di soggiorno can apply for disoccupazione if they meet the requirements. You can find out the requirements to get the NASpi here.

You should apply as soon as possible after your work relationship ends.

If you are a person with disabilities or with a serious illness

If you have a partial or full disability, you may be eligible for 'invalidità civile' in Italian, which allows you to access financial, social and health benefits. The money and benefits you may receive depend on your personal income and disability level which will be determined through medical examinations.

Anyone with a regular permesso di soggiorno with a duration of at least 1 year can apply for invalidità civile.

The steps for obtaining the certified 'invalidità civile' are:

  1. Getting a first certificate from your general pratictioner (medico di base) who will send it to INPS - the Italian National Institute for Social Security (not the ASL - the Italian Local Health Autority of the city where you live)
  2. Submitting your personal application to INPS
  3. Fulfilling the examination of the ASL Medical Board that will provide you with the outcome in a report

To apply for it, you must ask your general practitioner to draft and forward to Inps the medical certificate online (you need to pay a fee to the doctor for the certificate), and also get a copy of it for yourself. Please note: the doctor's submission of the certificate to the Inps is not the disability application.

The disability application must be submitted afterwards, by 60 days from the date of the medical certificate, otherwise you will need to apply for a new certificate (paying the fee again).

You can apply for invalidità anytime throughout your life in Italy. You have to submit an application to the INPS on their website, registering at 'My INPS'. We recommend that you submit it, free of charge, through a 'Patronato' office closest to your home on the finder engine of INPS inserting the province where you live. Some of the biggest are Patronato Acli, Patronato ENAC, Patronato Inas Cisl, Patronato SIAS, Patronato Inca CIGL.  

Once you submit the application, the Medical Legal Board of the ASL where you are registered will summon you for the assessment of your disability: timelines depend on the ASL itself and, often, it can take a long time before the ASL summons you.

After the medical check with the ASL Medical Legal Board, you will await the decision of the Board and you will receive the outcome in a report.

The report that you receive after the medical check is a very important document and, based on the data in it, you will be able to understand what benefits you can get. We advise you to turn to the staff of a Patronato to understand the outcome of your report if needed.

In the evaluation report of the Medical Legal Board that you will find:

  • The outcome, which may be: "non-disabled"; or "partially disabled"; or "totally disabled", along with the indication of the percentage of the disabling level. Based on the percentage you are recognized, you may have access to different benefits.
  • The effective date of the recognition of the disability status.
  • The indication of the possible revision of your status with the month and year in which you will undergo a new health assessment.

Based on the percentage ascertained by the ASL Medical Legal Board, you have access to various benefits. Up to 33% invalidity no benefits are provided.

Between 34% and 67% of invalidity you may have different benefits depending on your level which may be: free supply of prostheses; being on the list for compulsory employment from which public and private employers with more than 15 employees must draw in order to fulfill the obligation to hire disabled people; as an employee you may apply annually for extraordinary paid leave for medical care for thirty days; you access the exemption from payment of specialist medical care services; have discounts on local public transport cards; and priority in social housing rankings. 

From 74% invalidity you would be entitled to an unemployment allowance provided by INPS of 287.09 euro per month if your personal income is less than 5.725,46 euro (in 2024).

From 100% invalidity you are entitled to a disability pension provided by INPS of 333,33 euro monthly if personal income is less than 19.461,12 euro annually (in 2024). At age 67, the pension turns into a social allowance of 534,41 euro.

If you hold 100% invalidity and you are unable to walk without the permanent help of a companion or to independently perform the daily activities proper to your age, you would have the right to the accompaniment allowance of 531,76 euro (in 2024) without any income limit. This allowance does not apply if you are already hospitalized in a private facility and the tuition fee is fully paid by the State, or if you are in a public hospital.

You can learn more about the monthly disability pension on the INPS website here (in Italian). 

While awaiting for your medical report, you will receive a video-guide with all the information about your benefits and the possible outcomes of the report in your personal area of 'My INPS' - the platform from which you have applied, and where you can check all your open procedures and services available. 

If you have children

If you have dependent children or adolescents under 21, or with disabilities with no age limit, living in Italy with you, you may be eligible to apply for the Assegno Unico Universale per i Figli. This social bonus assimilated other family bonuses such as Bonus Mamma Domani and Bonus Bebè, but you can still get it if you hold Reddito di Cittadinanza. 

To apply for Assegno Unico, you must:

The amount of the bonus depends on your ISEE and on the household situation, but it is a monthly sum from a maximum of 199,4 euro for each minor child with ISEE up to 17.090,61 euros, to a minimum of 57,0 euro for each minor child with no ISEE or with ISEE of 45.574,96 euro or more. The amounts due for each child may be increased in specific cases like large households, children up to one year of age, mothers under 21 years of age, children with disabilities.

If you apply by June 30, 2024, you will get the bonus from March 2024 until March 2025. If you apply after that date, you will get the bonus only from the month after you applied until March 2025. For newborns, you can request it within 120 days from the birth date to get it from the 7th month of your pregnancy.

If you were already receiving the Assegno Unico in February 2024, you do not need to submit a new application, but just present a new DSU ('Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica') to declare your ISEE by 30 June 2024. If you do not provide a new DSU for 2024, you will get the minimum amount of the bonus. If there have been any changes in your family with respect to the situation declared last year (for example, a newborn or a child turned 21), you do have to update your application.

Learn more on this bonus here and here.

Note that if you have kids, you could also be eligible to apply for the bonus Asilo Nido, which is a bonus to support you with the costs for the daycare, and for the bonus Assegno Maternità of the Comune for unemployed mums who recently welcomed a baby in their family.

If you fled from Ukraine

If you applied for temporary protection in Italy and you managed find accommodation on your own (including if you’re staying at your family’s or friends’), you can apply for the bonus 'contributo di sostentamento Ucraina' - a bonus of 300 euros, plus 150 euros per child, for a maximum of 3 months. You can get the bonus also if you are staying in a center, but you have lived for at least 10 days in a month on your own. You can apply for this bonus throughout the year 2024.

You must apply for the bonus online, by entering your codice fiscale, phone number and email here: https://contributo-emergenzaucraina.protezionecivile.gov.it/#/registrazione

You will receive an SMS when the bonus is ready to be withdrawn. You can get it at any post office by presenting your receipt or permit for temporary protection, along with an identity document.

You can find more info about the bonus here: https://contributo-emergenzaucraina.protezionecivile.gov.it/#/vademecum

How to apply

You can apply for most of the national bonuses and benefits by yourself through the INPS portal or through a Patronato or CAF office.

You can apply for national bonuses yourself on the INPS portal. Click here to get started.

In order to access the MyINPS portal you need to be able to log in with SPID, Carta di identità elettronica 3.0 (CIE) or Carta Nazionale Dei Servizi (CNS).

Watch the video tutorial produced by Oxfam Italy to learn how to get your SPID account in six steps here.

Since the process may be complicated and you may need some documents, it might be a good idea to contact a CAF or Patronato office, which can assist you with the process.

Who can help

INPS, Municipality and Patronato

To find out which benefits you can qualify for, you can ask the INPS, the municipality office where you live, or a patronato office.

If a CAF or a Patronato helps you, they are not responsible for what you sign and declare to receive the bonus. That is why it is very important that you are certain of the requirements and ask questions until you are certain that you understand everything.

The “Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale” (INPS) is the Italian national Social Security Office. There are offices throughout the country. To locate one, Google “INPS a [the city where you live]”.

To find your local municipality office, Google “Comune di [the city where you live]”.

"Patronati” are centers for fiscal assistance. There are several of them in Italy, such as CAAF CGILCISLUIL, or ANOLF. To locate one, Google “patronato a [the city where you live]”.

The office you go to depends on which kind of assistance you are requesting. To figure out which office to go to, you can visit the websites of these institutions or send us a message on Facebook.

Community Centers of Diaconia Valdese

You can also ask for help from the Community Center of Diaconia Valdese. They are located in Milan, Torino, Rome, Bologna, Perugia, Firenze, Napoli, Catania. Please find the contacts here.

Diaconia Valdese also runs a virtual help desk free-of-charge, active from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 12. To get into contact with them:

  • Call or send a WhatsApp message to +393441874631
  • Send an email to virtualcenter@diaconiavaldese.org

Got any questions? Drop us a message on Facebook.