One year after the beginning of the sanatoria, in June 2021, only 14% of the 220 000 applications has been examined and only 5% of applicants has received a permit of stay.
Despite these data, you can use this article if you applied for a Permesso per Lavoro Subordinato under Sanatoria to get ready for the appointment and learn more about:
- Contributions before you go to the Prefettura
- The appointment at the Prefettura
- After you sign the contract at the Prefettura
- Alternatives if you no longer have a job
Remember that to check the status of your sanatoria application, the person who submitted the application (usually your employer or a CAF) has to access the Ministry of Interior platform through his/her SPID.
Contributions to pay before the Prefettura calls you
If you were doing undeclared work and your employer applied for sanatoria and hired you, your employer will be requested to pay contributions for the months of undeclared work, before the appointment at the Prefettura. This will happen if your application is declared admissible.
The payment of this tax still does not mean that your application will be accepted.
Your employer owns the contributions for each month that you worked together between the start of your work together until your sanatoria application date. Your employer must pay this fee through the “F24 Versamenti con elementi identificativi” form at the bank or post office. The monthly amount depends on the working sector:
- 300 euros for agriculture, farming, fishing and alike
- 156 euros for caretaker work
- 156 euros for housework
Remember that this fee differs from the 500 euros payment that your employer paid to apply for your sanatoria in 2020.
Your employer will also have to pay the normal taxes and contributions for the time period between your sanatoria application and the moment when you receive the Prefettura's call for the appointment. These taxes and contributions depend on your contract.
The appointment at the Prefettura
The Prefettura will summon you and your employer at the Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione to sign the contract of stay (‘contratto di soggiorno’ in Italian). Please be aware that your application will be rejected if you miss your appointment without any valid reason.
At the appointment, both you and your employer will need to present some documents. You will have to present:
- Valid passport – even if you did not have it when you applied
- Documents released by public offices to prove that you were in Italy before March 8, 2020 (for example: health certificates, school enrollment certificates, nominative public transport subscription)
- Declaration of hospitality, rent contract or residence certificate
- Certificate of housing suitability (‘idoneità alloggiativa’ in Italian)
Remember to request the certificate of idoneità alloggiativa at your Comune in advance.
Your employer will have to present:
- Valid identity document
- Last declaration of income
- Receipt of the payment of the F24 form
- 16 euros revenue stamp ('marca da bollo' in Italian)
- Other documents depending on the employment sector
Once you and your employer sign the contratto di soggiorno provided by the Sportello Unico, the officer will give you a pre-filled ‘modello 209’ to be sent to the Questura to obtain your permit.
If you are an asylum-seeker
If you are an asylum-seeker, once you sign the contract of stay, you will have to decide whether to drop your asylum claim or not. If you decide to go on with your asylum process, you will receive a work permit on paper, with an ‘R’ written on it.
If you get a positive result from the Territorial Commission, you will have to choose which permit you want to keep. Learn more about sanatoria for asylum-seekers here
After you sign the contratto di soggiorno
After the Prefettura, you need to go to a Sportello Amico of the Post Office and send the kit provided by the Prefettura to request the Permesso per Lavoro Subordinato at the Questura.
You can apply for a Permesso per Attesa Occupazione if your contract expired, your employer died or the company failed.
You will need to pay:
- 30 euros to send the kit
- 16 euros for the revenue stamp
- 70,46€ or 80,46€ for the permit, depending if your permit will last 1 or 2 years
At the Post Office, you will also receive the appointment date to be fingerprinted at the Questura. After getting fingerprinted, you will receive a text message to collect your permit of stay when it is ready. Bear in mind that waiting time may vary across different Questure.
In general, Questure send text messages when permits are ready. You can also check the status of your application online through the Polizia di Stato portal or Portale Immigrazione.
What if I don’t have the job anymore?
If you have a new job
If your work relation with your employer ends and you find a new job in one of the three sanatoria sectors, you may be able to keep your application for the sanatoria with your new employer. This was stated by the Interior Ministry in a communication ('circolare' in Italian) that you can find here
Both your new and old employer should attend the appointment at the Prefettura with you.
If you don't have a new job
However, if you do not have a new job contract, you may be able to obtain a Permesso per Attesa Occupazione. This permesso is a 1-year permit that cannot be renewed. You can learn more on this permit here.
You can request the Permesso per Attesa Occupazione if:
- your contract expires before the Prefettura calls you due to the long waiting time
- your employer or the person that you used to assist dies, or the company fails
- your employer interrupts the work relation with you for other reasons
In these cases, your employer can ask the Prefettura to examine your application in advance. At the appointment, your employer will have to formalize the end of the work relation with you, and the Prefettura will decide whether to grant you the Permesso per Attesa Occupazione.