
The declaration of hospitality (‘dichiarazione di ospitalità’ in Italian) is one of the documents you may need if you apply to get or renew your permit of stay in Italy.

You can use this article to learn more about:

  • What it is
  • How to get it
  • How long it is valid
  • Who can help

What is the declaration of hospitality?

The dichiarazione di ospitalità is a mandatory written communication that every landlord / host must produce to inform the Italian authorities that they are hosting someone in their house. The communication to the authorities is compulsory in the case of non-EU citizens, even if they are hosted for one day only.

Dichiarazione di ospitalità is important because it proves to the Italian authorities that you have a place to stay in the country.

You can find a dichiarazione di ospitalità template here.

What do I need it for?

If you don’t have a house or a rent contract, the declaration of hospitality is a compulsory requirement when you have to get or renew your permit of stay. Basically, if you don’t have a house or a rent contract, you can replace it with a declaration of hospitality.

You will also need the declaration of hospitality when registering with the Registry Office (‘iscrizione anagrafica’ in Italian) if you don’t have a house or a rent contract.

It is very important to always communicate your actual address to the Police Headquarters (Questura) every time you change your place of residence (‘residenza’ in Italian) or move to another city or region in Italy while you’re applying for a permit, so they can always reach you for important communications.

You will need to present the declaration of hospitality to the Italian authorities also when you’re hosting someone at your place, including a relative or friend. The communication to the authorities is necessary in the case of non-EU citizens, even if they are hosted for one day only.

If the Police finds out that you let a friend, relative or non-relative stay in your home without presenting the declaration of hospitality they may fine you.

How can I get it?

You should ask the owner of the house or whoever has the right to use the property to fill out the declaration of hospitality. For example, if a friend of yours holds a regular rent contract and decides to host you for a certain period in their place, you should ask him/her to fill with you the declaration of hospitality.

In order to get the dichiarazione di ospitalità, you need the following documents:

  • Dichiarazione di ospitalità form, properly filled out and signed. You can find it here
  • Copy of your ID document
  • Copy of your host or homeowner ID document
  • Copy of the deed of ownership of the house (‘atto di proprietà’ / ‘contratto di locazione’ in Italian). It is necessary to indicate the exact address or location of the house and the title of ownership or possession of the property.

Once you have all the documents listed above, you or your host should send the dichiarazione to the Questura through any authorized post office (Poste Italiane) in your area.

Alternatively, you can also go to the Police or Questura in your area and submit it by hand. The concerned office will verify your declaration, then sign and stamp it.

How much does it cost?

The declaration of hospitality is free of charge and you do not need to pay for it. However, we are aware that many landlords / hosts require you to pay a fee to obtain the ospitalità, which is not legal.

If your landlord asks you for money to carry out the procedure, we recommend that you contact your lawyer or get in touch with a local association who could help you.

Drop us a private message in case you need help finding one.

If you decide to send the dichiarazione through a post office, you may need to pay the shipping costs to send the dichiarazione di ospitalità to the competent office. If you submit it by hand to the Police or the Questura the procedure is completely free of charge.

How long is it valid for?

The dichiarazione di ospitalità can be valid for a specific or indefinite period, based on what your host indicates on the form.

It is very important to always communicate your actual address to the Police Headquarters (Questura) every time you change your place of residence (‘residenza’ in Italian) or move to another city or region in Italy while you’re applying for a permit, so they can always reach you for important communications.

Who can help

For help and assistance, you and your host or landlord can go to a Patronato office, such as a CGIL, CISL, UIL or ANOLF. If you need help finding one, drop us a private message on Facebook.

You can also check online on the Polizia di Stato website for more information (in Italian).

If you have any doubts or questions regarding the declaration of hospitality, please send us a private message on Facebook.
