
Giustizia Civile App is a mobile phone application that allows you to check the status of civil trials in:

  • Tribunals (Tribunali, in Italian)
  • Appeal Courts (Corti di Appello, in Italian)
  • Tribunal of Minors (Tribunale per i Minorenni, in Italian)
  • Justice of the Peace (Giudice di Pace, in Italian)

Please note that you cannot use the app to check the results of the procedures pending in the Court of Cassation.

You can use this article and the glossary below to learn more about the meaning of the legal terms that appear in Giustizia Civile App, when you check your appeal case.

Terms are ordered alphabetically. The most important ones are highlighted in bold.

Remember that if you have any specific questions regarding your appeal case, check with your lawyer.

Learn more about:

Appealing your asylum decision

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