What is this permesso for?
You can get a Permesso di Soggiorno per Attesa Esito Ricorso when you are in the process of appealing a negative commission result.
Learn more:
Appealing your asylum decision
In the past, after giving people a negative decision, questure would take applicants’ permessi away. Now, many applicants are allowed to keep their Permesso per Richiesta Asilo during the appeals process.
Still, after receiving a negative decision on your asylum application, you cannot apply to renew your Permesso per Richiesta Asilo once it expires. The Permesso per Attesa Esito Ricorso helps you stay legally in Italy while you go through the appeals process.
How do I get it?
After you get a negative decision on your asylum application and have scheduled a date for your appeal, you can request this permesso. If you live in a camp or center, the managers or operators may help you with this process or request this permesso for you. Otherwise, you or a lawyer can make an appointment at the questura to request this permesso. A lawyer can help you prepare the documents you need to apply.
How long is it valid for?
This permesso is valid for 6 months and can be renewed for additional 6-month periods until you get a final decision on your asylum application.
How can I renew this kind of permesso?
As soon as you have had your appointment to get this permesso, you, your lawyer, or your camp operators or managers can schedule you an appointment to renew it. Scheduling your renewal appointment right away can help ensure that you don’t have a gap between when your permesso expires and when you get your new one.
What rights do I have when I hold this permesso di soggiorno?
Like all permessi di soggiorno, this permesso shows that you have the legal right to stay in Italy as long as it is valid.
With this permesso, you have the right to:
Stay in a reception facility, as well as receive basic services at the reception facility. Your right to reception includes “material reception,” meaning food, medical attention and hygiene products.
Work in Italy — but not in any other European countries.
This kind of permesso is not valid for travel outside Italy, and it does not allow you to request a travel document.
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